Frequently Asked Questions

How do I search for information?


What criteria can I search on?


Why can't I find what I'm looking for?


The information listed for my property is incorrect, how do I change it?


How can I contact my assessor?


Is the information on this website current?


What if I need more information?




How do I search for information?

When searching for information, you must first choose which county you want to search in.  The list of available counties is located in the blue box on the left hand side of the County Records Direct homepage.  Once you click on a county name, you will be taken to that county's search page.  On the left side of the county page is the search criteria box.  



Searches may be performed on the following fields:


Select which criteria you wish to search for and enter the criteria into the search box.  When you are ready, click "Go" to see matching properties.  The matching properties will be displayed as a list to the right of the search box.  To view more details for a particular property in the list, click the link in the ID field.  

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What criteria can I search on?

Searches may be performed on the following fields:


In general, the search criteria must be entered in the same format as the county.  For example, if the county enters Parcel numbers with dashes, you must enter the dashes to find the property.  If you are unsure which format the county uses, you may need to perform a couple of sample searches to get an idea of what format the county prefers.  

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Why can't I find what I'm looking for?

There are two common reasons a search fails to return the desired property.  The search criteria you enter may contain too much information or else it may not be an exact match to the county's data.  


Search tips based on criteria:

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The information listed for my property is incorrect, how do I change it?

The information found on this site comes directly from the county assessor's office.  If you think some information may be incorrect, contact the county assessor's office.  You can find the assessor's contact information by clicking the county's name on the County Records Direct homepage.

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How can I contact my assessor?

You can find the assessor's contact information by clicking the county's name on the County Records Direct homepage.

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Is the information on this website current?

In most cases, the information on this site is updated from the county assessor's office on a monthly basis.  To see the date on which a county's data was updated, scroll to the bottom of a county's search page.  You can reach a county's search page by clicking the county's name on the County Records Direct homepage.

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What if I need more information?

If you need more information on a particular property, you may contact the county assessor's office.  If you need to search by additional criteria such as sales info or property details, DataScoutPro is available to offer more options to professionals.  DataScoutPro also allows searches on multiple counties and can output the results in several report formats.

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